Creating directories
The directory resource can be used to create a directory and all of
its parent directories. Tildes (~
) in directory names are supported.
directory '~/this/is/a/directory'
If you want to specify the directory’s mode, owner or group, you can
do so via the mode
, owner
or group
directory '~/this/is/another/directory',
mode: '755', (1)
owner: 'nobody:nobody'
1 | wright also supports symbolic mode strings (e.g. 'u=rwx,go=rx' ),
but numeric notation is often more compact. |
Creating files
The file resource can be used to create files. Tildes (~
) in
file names are supported.
file '~/this-is-a-file'
If you do not specify the file’s desired content, wright creates an empty file if the file does not yet exist but will not touch existing files.[1]
file '~/this-is-another-file',
content: "Hello world\n",
mode: '400', (1)
owner: 'nobody:nobody'
1 | wright also supports symbolic mode strings (e.g. 'u=r,go=' ), but
numeric notation is often more compact. |
If you would like to render a template, you can do so using the
and render_mustache
file '~/this-is-an-erb-file',
content: util.render_erb("Hello <%= name %>\n", name: 'ERB world')
file '~/this-is-a-mustache-file',
content: util.render_mustache("Hello {{name}}\n", name: 'Mustache world')
To render a template file, you can use the render_file
file '~/hello.mustache', content: "Hello {{name}}\n"
file '~/this-is-another-mustache-file',
content: util.render_file('~/hello.mustache', name: 'Mustache world')
Creating groups
The group resource can be used to create groups.
group 'ordinary_gentlemen'
If you want to add members to a group, change the group’s group id or
create the group as a system group, you can use the gid
, members
and system
group 'extraordinary_gentlemen',
gid: 999,
members: %w(murray quatermain nemo jekyll), (1)
system: false
1 | Note that wright removes all users that are not listed here from the group’s members list. |
Creating users
The user resource can be used to create users.
user 'orlando'
If you want to change a user’s details, you can set the user resource’s attributes.
user 'griffin',
uid: 777,
full_name: 'Hawley Griffin',
home: '/home/users/griffin',
groups: 'extraordinary_gentlemen',
primary_group: 'users',
shell: 'zsh',
system: false
All user attributes are optional and have sensible defaults. For
example on GNU systems, useradd(8)
is used to create users, which is
why wright respects all your sytem-wide user defaults.
Creating symlinks
The symlink resource can be used to create symlinks.
symlink '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/',
to: '/etc/nginx/sites-available/'
Installing packages
The package resource can be used to install packages.
package 'tmux'
While wright defaults to installing the package version picked by your
package manager, you can also use the version
attribute to specify
the desired version. The options
attribute can be used to pass
options to your package manager.
package 'mg',
version: '20110905-1.1',
options: %w(--no-install-recommends --auto-remove) (1)
1 | If you only need a single option, you can also set options to a
string such as '--no-install-recommends' . |